With the overwhelming success of the Local Buying Program in Australia, BHP and Sawu wanted to replicate the platform in Spanish for their operations in Chile.
Leveraging the success of the Australian platform, we worked closely with BHP, Sawu and C-Res to customise, translate and localise the existing system for a Spanish audience. The project itself was quite involved and required the replacement of every single English word with a placeholder to make the system truly multilingual.
The uptake of the system has been outstanding and it has exceeded $2M in approved spend in less than two months of operation.
We worked with Sawu to implement a Spanish system incorporating:
We also manage the day to day operations of the platform including:
A pesar de las restricciones geográficas y el desafío diferentes culturas y lenguajes que demandó la ejecución de este proyecto, el trabajo desarrollado por Talen fue muy profesional, cumpliendo las expectativas en tiempo y calidad en la entrega.Despite geographical restrictions, as well as the language and cultural challenges involved in the execution of this project, the work developed by Talen was very professional, meeting our expectations in terms of time and quality delivery.
Como equipo SAWU estamos muy contentos con el trabajo realizado con Talen. El constante apoyo y respaldo durante la implementación del proyecto ha sido destacable, incluso por la diferencia de horario y la distancia entre nosotros.As SAWU team, we are very happy with the work done with Talen. Continuous support during the implementation of the project has been remarkable, even for the difference in time and distance between us.
La plataforma desarrollada es muy intuitiva y fácil de usar tanto para nosotros como para nuestros proveedores y clientes. Talen tiene la capacidad técnica para integrar varios sistemas y facilitar nuestro trabajo con su desarrollo.The web site developed for us is very intuitive and easy to use by our team, our customers and our suppliers. Talen has the technical skills to integrate several systems and make our work easier.
We're currently available and accepting new projects, so why not get in touch and see how we can help your business.
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